The easiest way to set up and manage deployments on AWS
If you hate wasting your time on a dozen devops tutorials just to set up your deployments, Dockup is for you.

How it works
- Sign up and connect your Github and AWS accounts
Behind the scenes, Dockup automatically creates these AWS resources for your deployments:
- CodeBuild pulls your source code from Github and builds Docker images.
- ECR stores the Docker images.
- EKS runs the Docker images as containers.
- IAM permissions for users and AWS resources.
- VPCs, subnets and forwarding rules for networking rules for your AWS resources.
- Security groups to lock down your network.
- Push to Github to deploy code.
- For deployment checklists, manual deployments or rollbacks, use Dockup UI.
Free forever
Your infrastructure, no lock-in
Dockup uses your cloud infrastructure for deployments and can eject itself on your command.
Auto scaling and load balancing
Dockup automatically adds and removes nodes to accommodate varying loads on your applications.
Rolling deployments
Dockup deploys your services incrementally with zero downtime
Dockup automatically provisions and renews SSL certificates.
Dockup for teams
$45 monthly, unlimited users
Teams and projects
Role based access control
Custom deployment checklists
Reporting and analytics